The whiz of blow-dryers and chatty technicians up front gave me pause about how serene my treatment would be, but the spa area of this hybrid joint turned out to be plenty quiet. While filling out the requisite paperwork, I sipped a soothing cup of ginger-lemon tea and wiped my hands with a warm towel. Kan Prasertsri, who owns the spa’s two outposts with her sister Pat, took me into a private room in the back for my Thai massage, which incorporates more appendage-stretching than is found in other techniques. During the hour, Kan went to work with scent-free Bon Vital organic oils, kneading my whole body carefully and paying extra attention to my problem areas (shoulders and lower back). She checked in often to make sure the pressure was okay and that I was comfortable, but not so frequently that it disrupted my reverie. My arms and legs were often lightly twisted into almost yogalike poses, loosening and relaxing muscles I’d clearly never paid attention to. When I returned to the front of the salon, I was greeted by a towel and another tray of tea, extending my Zen state for a few more moments. 60min regularly $79. Mention TONY when booking or at time of appointment for 15% off all massage and facial treatments through Feb 7. 718-932-0999,